Total RNA Extraction Kit
قیمت: 2350000 تومان

Total RNA Extraction Kit

Total RNA Extraction Kit

کیت استخراج RNA از سلول، خون و بافت


Cat No.: DB9712

Content: 50 prep

Column Based

Brand: DNAbiotech

Shipping: RT

Storage: RT and 4C

 To download the full datasheet CLICK HERE.

Made bt DNAbiotech co. Tehran, IR Iran

Kit Components

No.     Name cat #: DB9864 (50,100)
1 Handbook protocol 1
2 Columns and Collection Tubes (pcs) 50, 100
3 BW buffer (in case of blood samples) 50, 100 ml
4 RNLy Buffer 40, 80  ml
5 RN Wash Buffer 40, 80  ml
6 Elution Buffer 5, 10 ml








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