DEPC Treated Milli-Q Water 3 ml DEPC Treated Milli-Q Water 3 ml
قیمت: 79000 تومان
قیمت برای شما: 59000 تومان

DEPC Treated Milli-Q Water 3 ml

 DEPC Treated Milli-Q Water 3 ml  (Nuclease Free)

آب میلی کیو عاری از نوکلئاز 


RNase/DNase Free

DEPC Treated

Type of Water Used: Milli-Q Water

Volume: 3 ml

Cat#: DB9617

Manfactured by DNAbiotech Co. IR Iran

For use in any molecular biology application 


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محصولات مشابه

 DEPC Treated Milli-Q Water

Nuclease-Free Water is pure, quality-tested water suitable for use in all experiments that require nuclease-free water.
Nuclease-Free Water is prepared in a proprietary process, which yields DNase, RNase, and nuclease-free,  with the use of chemical additives, such as diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC).
Nuclease-Free Water is provided in nuclease-free containers.

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