رنگ DNA برای نمونه  (6X Safe Stain)
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رنگ DNA برای نمونه (6X Safe Stain)

 DNA Stain  رنگ DNA

جهت اضافه کردن به نمونه (بدون نیاز به لودینگ بافر)

برای ران کردن روی ژل

سبز رنگ

6x - 1ml

رنگ DNA جایگزین اتیدیوم بروماید

جهت رنگ آمیزی

محصولات مشابه

The FluoroDye DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye is a ready-to-use 6× DNA loading dye designed for fast qualitative electrophoresis analysis. Containing sensitive fluorescent dye with high specific affinity towards double stranded DNA (dsDNA), the FluoroDye Fluorescent DNA Loading Dye has negligible background and renders destaining process unnecessary. The FluoroDye DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye allows the user to immediately visualise electrophoresis result upon completion or to monitor the electrophoresis in real time. FluoroDye DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye is compatible with both the conventional UV gel-illuminating system as well as the less harmful long wavelength blue light illumination system. FluoroDye emission as bound to dsDNA is 522 nm, while its excitation peaks are at 270, 370 and 497 nm.
FluoroDye DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye is stored in 6× concentration in 60% glycerol and buffered with Tris-HCl and EDTA, containing Bromophenol blue, Xylene cyanol FF and Orange G as tracking dyes.


Fig. 2. The FluoroDye DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye is capable of detecting dsDNA fragments down to 0.3 ng in DNA markers (SMOBiO DM3100) in 2× serial dilution. 

Protected from light
-20°C for 24 months

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